Cym27 wrote:Hi acharis. They are 2 different spreadsheets, but are in the same thread because LeadingHorseBack2 is heavily based on FrontRunnerR4.2. So it's a kind of "Branch-off" of FR4.2 using different strategies and with a few added/different tweaks, like recording the actual race times to build up a database for delayed bets.
I wrote LeadingHorseBack2 as an experiment of a strategy which I hoped would be useful for some people to try out, expand and tweak for their own requirements. It isn't a finished product, just a jumping off point. The strategy may not be profitable, but perhaps someone can use the code snippets that go to make up the spreadsheet in a strategy of their own to come up with a winning formula. I'm still experimenting!
I hope this clarifies the matter.
Best Regards,
Thank you very much for explanation