Make free money from online bookmakers

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Re: Make free money from online bookmakers

Postby Gavin » Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:13 pm

Hi Herman,

I am interested in your suggestion to add an arbitrage option. May I ask you to create a separate topic for that in the Suggestions section of the forum and if possible give me some specific details of what the feature should do.

I imagine you are asking for the software to include a simple calculator to input the odds and stake to determine the hedge stake for the bet on the bookie part of the arb, but please confirm this if and when you create the new topic. Creating separate topics for each suggestion, enables me to be efficient when adding them and updating the user and also ensures that I don't overlook any suggestions.

Many thanks,

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Re: Make free money from online bookmakers

Postby Herman » Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:40 pm

Will do.
Today's Coral offer on Sprinter Sacre returned £27 (2.25 in to 1.8) for my efforts as described previously.
They also offered it @ 3.0 limited to £10 early morning over phone messaging (they only last for a very short time).
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Re: Make free money from online bookmakers

Postby Punter » Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:49 pm

I noticed this thread so I though I would join up to the forum. An arbitrage function would make me want to register with Cymatic trader as it would be a most useful function. I think ucantlose once had similar software called oddstrawler, but, it is no longer available. Anyway, I also have made money from bookmaker promotions and Betfair. During big events bookies still give quite generous promotions for existing customer so it is something that you can continue to do, nice. I reviewed a service called Profit Accumulator recently that finds the best, checks the T&Cs and advises which events to bet on. I am quite impressed with it.
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Re: Make free money from online bookmakers

Postby Gavin » Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:32 pm

Hi Punter,

A while ago I began wondering about the possibilities of offering a service similar to the odds trawler / arb finder site that you mentioned and this is something that I hope to return to once I get more time.

Are you specifically looking for this feature to be incorporated into the Cymatic desktop software, or would it still appeal if it was a separate website based service?

Kind regards,

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Re: Make free money from online bookmakers

Postby Yoyo » Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:51 am

Hello Gavin

I came to your site as I recently started signing up fir free bets and backing/laying to make a risk free profit. After doing a few it became quite apparent to me that the profit you achieve is better if you can do arbs, but you won't find big differences with oddsmonkey for example. Then I got to thinking what if I placed my free bet on a horse that matches up pretty well between the bookie and the exchange, where it looked like the odds are on a downward trend. If I placed my free bet with the bookie, and risked the profit on my free bet by waiting for the odds to drop at the exchange, then the potential profit I could make from the free bet would dramatically increase. I am thinking it is worth a gamble on some free profits. I was thinking of using charts or ladder to get an indication of a trend. Do you think it is a viable idea?

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Re: Make free money from online bookmakers

Postby Gavin » Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:31 pm

Hi Yoyo,

Welcome to the Cymatic forum.

What you are suggesting really just depends on your perceived ability to judge the subsequent direction of the market. If you want to risk your free profits in order to try it then fair enough, but perhaps you'll find that judging the direction of the market is far far harder than it seems. I think the core strategy of finding risk free profits is a good one and probably it won't be worthwhile trying to enhance it by guessing market direction when you could be spending that time recycling the money through even more risk free bets.

Kind regards,

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Re: Make free money from online bookmakers

Postby Yoyo » Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:28 pm

Yes, you are probably right Gavin :D

Have you thought about creating something around matched betting? The main frustration with it I find is that you need to have many places open at once, such as a lay bet calculator, odds matching finder, the bookies website and of course the exchange. I think people would pay to have it all in one place in a single interface. There are sites like profit accumulator who are probably making quite a bit of money by just bringing offers and odds monkey calculator/bet finder together as people hoover up the cash from this.
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Re: Make free money from online bookmakers

Postby Gavin » Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:54 pm

Thanks Yoyo, I'll give that more thought in due course. I certainly always aim to add more features that enable people to make money!

Kind regards,

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Re: Make free money from online bookmakers

Postby Robin » Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:50 pm

In the last month both Bet 365 and Paddy Power have stopped my "free bets".

They seem to be able to detect "arber's" very easily!

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Re: Make free money from online bookmakers

Postby scottryan784 » Thu Jan 07, 2016 3:14 pm

I didn't try any of the bet yet, I'll try this definitely!!!

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