lay at odds 1000

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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby Gavin » Mon Jan 08, 2018 11:44 am

Hi Faris,

The simplest way without much Excel knowledge, is to have all the commands and stakes typed into the cells in advance, then just clear the contents of the cell in the Status column for any row that you want the bet to be submitted for. So make sure that the Status column is not empty, when you are typing the commands (type anything in it such as a number of letter). As soon as the Status column is cleared, Cymatic reads the commands are submits the bet.

So type anything into the cells in the STATUS column.
Type LAY into the cells in the COMMAND column
Type 1000 into the cells in the ODDS column
Type your required stake into the STAKE column

Alternatively, if you want me to make a custom worksheet for you, with buttons to 'LAY AT 1000' positioned on each row near to the area where you can view prices, then that is something I'd need to do a quotation for.

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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby Gavin » Tue Jan 09, 2018 10:09 am

Hi Faris,

My previous message explains one way of doing it using Excel.

I thought of one more way of doing it, using just the ladders but I'm not sure which method you might prefer.

You could scroll all the ladders up to a high price, before the start of the race. Then you would just need one click to send a bet at 1000, or whatever high price you have scrolled the ladders up to.

You wouldn't see the current market prices on those ladders, so you could open another series of multiple ladders just to show you the current prices, or just watch the current prices on the grid.

Using some combination of ladders/grid might be helpful because you would see the jockey silks.

Or you could use any combination of ladders, grid and Excel.

The original plan for using just Excel might be the be one in terms of screen space, because you could probably fit everything you need to see all in one window.

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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby faris » Fri Jan 12, 2018 1:18 am

Hi Gavin,
I am still waiting for your reply how I could set up either a formula or a custom button on each row, ready to send the order at 1000 with a single click, whilst still watching the middle of the market.
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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby Gavin » Fri Jan 12, 2018 1:22 am

Hi Faris,

Please see my previous two posts, perhaps you missed them.

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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby faris » Fri Jan 12, 2018 1:34 am

Hi Gavin,
thanks Yes I did miss them. Let me know how much is the quotation? to make a custom worksheet for you, with buttons to 'LAY AT 1000' positioned on each row near to the area where I can view prices.
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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby faris » Fri Jan 12, 2018 1:37 am

Hi Gavin,
Sorry massage corection,
thanks Yes I did miss them. Let me know how much is the quotation? to make a custom worksheet for me, with buttons to 'LAY AT 1000' positioned on each row near to the area where I can view prices.
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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby faris » Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:18 pm

Hi Gavin,
I am still waiting for your reply thanks
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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby Gavin » Fri Jan 12, 2018 10:22 pm

Hi Faris,

Coincidentally, I am about to release a new version of Cymatic that will include various shortcut keys when viewing the ladder. I hope to release this in the next few days.

Amongst other things, the new version will enable you to instantly jump to the top of the ladder at 1000 and into the lay column, by pressing CTRL+HOME. Then you'll be able to instantly submit a bet to lay at 1000 with just one more single key press. So in total you'd just need to press CTRL + HOME, following by one more key (probably SPACE bar, to submit the bet).

I wonder if that would be a good enough solution for you? That wouldn't cost you anything extra and if you find it adequate you wouldn't even need to use Excel.

Whereas I think programming a bespoke spreadsheet for you might be rather expensive and I am rather busy at the moment.

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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby faris » Sat Jan 13, 2018 9:35 pm

Hi Gavin,
Thanks for your reply, it is matter of time to send the lay bet at odds of 1000 , will that take less than one sec or more to place the bet in the new
version of Cymatic softwear .
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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby Gavin » Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:09 am

Hi Faris,

Sorry for not replying sooner, for some reason I missed seeing your message.

Yes I think it will be very quick to send the bet in the new version. Just the time it will take you to move the mouse over the ladder (which will automatically give focus to that ladder), then press CTRL+HOME key to move to the lay at 1000 cell, then press the space bar to submit the bet. Perhaps it is best to see for yourself if it is fast enough for you, before looking at other options or spending more money.

A benefit of doing it via ladders, is that you will see the picture of the jockey silks in the corner of each ladder, which you can't see in Excel. This might help to avoid making a mistake by laying the wrong horse by accident.

Your personal preference might be for using just ladders, or just Excel or a combination of the two. I am not far off releasing the new version now.

Kind regards,

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