Portuguese (Português)

If you notice a translation that could be improved, tell us here.

Portuguese (Português)

Postby Gavin » Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:56 pm

Há traduções no software que pode ser melhorado, ou que você não gosta? Se assim for por favor diga-nos aqui.

Por favor, indique:
1. exatamente onde o texto se encontra o software (por exemplo, escada, grade, pop-up mensagens, etc.).
2. o texto da tradução atual (de modo que podemos encontrá-lo).
3. o texto da tradução melhorada sugerido.
4. (opcional) se você é capaz de explicar o que estava errado com a tradução atual, que pode nos ajudar a entender melhor por que a mudança faz sentido. Isso poderia nos ajudar a traduzir melhor no futuro, quando novos recursos são adicionados.

Por favor note que eu não posso prometer que o software será livre para sempre, então você pode não querer gastar muito tempo ajudando com traduções. Eu só queria que você soubesse para que você não está ofendido se no futuro, se eu decidir introduzir taxas para o software. Obrigado por todas as traduções que você quer dar.

Obrigado e cumprimentos,

Are there translations in the software that could be improved, or that you don't like? If so please tell us here.

Please state:

1. Exactly where the text is located the software (e.g. ladder, grid, pop up messages, etc.).
2. The text of the current translation (so that we can find it).
3. The text of suggested improved translation.
4. (Optional) If you are able to explain what was wrong with the current translation, that might help us to understand better why the change makes sense. This could help us to translate better in the future when new features are added.

Please note that I can't promise that the software will be free forever, so you might not want to spend too much time helping with translations. I just wanted you to know so that you are not offended if in the future if I decide to make the software chargeable. Thanks for any translations that you want to give.

Thanks and kind regards,

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Re: Portuguese (Português)

Postby ouija » Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:46 pm

Hey Gavin,

If you want to revise the portuguese phrases just trow me a .txt and I will look.
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Re: Portuguese (Português)

Postby Gavin » Mon Nov 05, 2018 11:29 pm

Hi Ouija,

Many thanks for your offer of help.

I don't have the phrases in a list format, so can't easily send them over. Perhaps if you notice any phrases in the program that look wrong, you could just send me the suggested improvement? That would be really appreciated.

Thanks again and kind regards,

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Re: Portuguese (Português)

Postby ouija » Tue Nov 06, 2018 9:08 am

Gavin wrote:Hi Ouija,

Many thanks for your offer of help.

I don't have the phrases in a list format, so can't easily send them over. Perhaps if you notice any phrases in the program that look wrong, you could just send me the suggested improvement? That would be really appreciated.

Thanks again and kind regards,


You got yourself a deal! ;)
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Re: Portuguese (Português)

Postby Gavin » Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:27 pm

Thank you! :D
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