Live scores for football

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Live scores for football

Postby Gavin » Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:08 pm


I have attached a spreadsheet which aims to display the live score of a football game, by deducing it from the prices in the Correct Score market.

To use it, open the Correct Score market in Cymatic, then when connecting to Excel please type Correct Score as the worksheet name, instead of simply accepting the default suggested worksheet name (which is usually Cymatic or Cymatic2, etc).

Please note that it requires the Correct Score market to have money available to trade, otherwise the deductions can't be made and it will simply display the score as "UNKNOWN". So at least one score must have money available to back and to lay. It will therefore usually also display "UNKNOWN" when the market is suspended (assuming the money disappears when the market is suspended).

Please use in demo mode initially and add any other checks that might be necessary. Also, when creating a strategy you might want to add an extra condition to check whether the market is active or suspended, because the spreadsheet usually won't be able to calculate the score when the market is suspended, for the reasons already stated.

Another method of obtaining live scores in Excel, would be to create Visual Basic code that downloads the scores from websites (such as, but these websites might be delayed or not refreshing frequently, so you could run into trouble if you try to build a strategy that takes it scores from website sources.

Kind regards,

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