Lay the Field + Scalping (Modular Bot)

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Lay the Field + Scalping (Modular Bot)

Postby adenlark » Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:43 pm

I rarely trade horse races in-play, so it's all new territory for me. I sometimes find myself wanting to change strategies or workbooks quickly. An opportunity will vanish faster than I can close one workbook and open another, or make changes to the existing sheet. (Editing a workbook while connected to a live market is not advised).

To solve my problem, I've put two separate bots on the same sheet, each being self contained with it's own odds and stake settings (hence 'modular'). Radio buttons allow the user to select Off, LTF or Scalp. The LTF code comes courtesy of Gavin's LayTheField3 sample workbook. I've added a simple scalping bot, which may be useful where a race finishes and trading activity continues, due to a photo finish. Columns BA, BB and BC contain simple formulas which reference data from whichever bot is activated.

This workbook is provided as a sample for use in Demo mode. The odds and stake settings are wild guesses. Black text may be altered with reckless abandon. White text should be altered with care. Feel free to modify, improve and share!

Happy trading people.

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Re: Lay the Field + Scalping (Modular Bot)

Postby Gavin » Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:12 pm

Great work adenlark. I really like your idea of having different robots to choose from (as modules) all within one worksheet.
Kind regards,
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Re: Lay the Field + Scalping (Modular Bot)

Postby crispi » Wed Sep 11, 2019 10:10 pm

Still trying to get my head around these impressive looking spreadsheets :? , and I have a question on the Scalping Module - if both the Lay and Offset are matched, does the Status cell reset so that anothere Scalp can be fired in, or does it just allow the one Scalp
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