I started by working on a modified LayTheField sheet uploaded by Gavin,
This is an attempt to profit Only if at least TWO runners are fighting for the lead.
I used "LAST PRICE" for calculations. Other price points could be used.
All the ORANGE cell are results of calculation & and their titles
All the DARKBLUE are for user input
The rest is just working data
A LAY command will only be issued IF
IN-PLAY & ACTIVE (in-play persists long after race is over)
The Delta between "Place Lay At" and the #2 runner is POSITIVE
State of ACTIVATE check box
Your "Place < odds " & "Lay price" are met
As this is LayTheField, by nature, NO greening is attempted in this spreadsheet.
ACTIVATE: suggest enable it and rely on the "Placement" & "PRICE" selections
The CANCEL ALL / GREEN ALL macro will remove UN-Matched anytime
This is only intended for PRACTICE MODE, so you can develop your own spreadsheet.
Often there is unexpected activity, I suspect due to "fat finger" mistakes by others in the market, as they look to close out. This also happens in low equity markets.
Comments and recommendations are welcomed... Still lots to learn
Available for anyone to PRACTICE with Any updates will available at the same link