Lay The Field with Limitation

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Lay The Field with Limitation

Postby canuk » Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:32 pm

I started by working on a modified LayTheField sheet uploaded by Gavin,
This is an attempt to profit Only if at least TWO runners are fighting for the lead.
I used "LAST PRICE" for calculations. Other price points could be used.

All the ORANGE cell are results of calculation & and their titles
All the DARKBLUE are for user input
The rest is just working data

A LAY command will only be issued IF
IN-PLAY & ACTIVE (in-play persists long after race is over)
The Delta between "Place Lay At" and the #2 runner is POSITIVE
State of ACTIVATE check box
Your "Place < odds " & "Lay price" are met

As this is LayTheField, by nature, NO greening is attempted in this spreadsheet.

ACTIVATE: suggest enable it and rely on the "Placement" & "PRICE" selections
The CANCEL ALL / GREEN ALL macro will remove UN-Matched anytime

This is only intended for PRACTICE MODE, so you can develop your own spreadsheet.
Often there is unexpected activity, I suspect due to "fat finger" mistakes by others in the market, as they look to close out. This also happens in low equity markets.

Comments and recommendations are welcomed... Still lots to learn

Available for anyone to PRACTICE with Any updates will available at the same link

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Re: Lay The Field with Limitation

Postby Gavin » Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:39 pm

Good work Canuk.

When getting ready to make the video yesterday, I noticed an interesting outcome (using the original lay the field spreadsheet, with the additional condition added that other horse must be below a price of 3.8). A bet was placed on the leading horse which was below my trigger of 2 (and my second condition was met because other horses were below 3.8). Then everything suddenly changed in the race and that front horse lost the race. Interesting no second bet was triggered because another horse became a strong front runner suddenly and had no close competitors.

So I ended up with just one lay bet, on a horse that lost. So I made the full £20 stake profit (demo mode), which is a lot more than the approximate £7 overall that I would have made if a second horse had been matched at around 1.6. So there exists that potential upside. Getting only 1 bet matched, doesn't always mean you lose.

Furthermore, it made me realize that another possible condition could be added if you wish to lock in profits when only 1 bet has been matched. I could have chosen to lay the horse that took over and became the new strong favourite, to lock in a profit whichever horse wins. The conditions prohibited that from happening because the new front runner did not have another nearby horse competing with it, so no lay bet was placed. Obviously this was good because I had an outright winning bet on the first lay, however I expect that many times the horse belonging to the first bet, will actually fight back and come back to win. So if you prefer to lock the profit in as soon as another horse becomes the strong favourite, then you simply need to adapt the second condition (for other horses to be below 3.8) to only apply if there are no matched bets. That way, you can lay a second horse that becomes a strong favourite, regardless of the other horses, to lock in profits.

Keep up the good work.

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Re: Lay The Field with Limitation

Postby canuk » Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:16 am

Hi All:
An up date to my first posting, ready for evaluation & feedback

It seems a long time since I put up the original. While working on this I noticed far more races finished with a clear winner, than there were with two horses neck & neck at the end of the race. That is why I diverted to attention the FrontRunner spreadsheet, more exciting as well.
Key Features
• Provides for different Odds settings after 1st, 2nd, 3rd match if you wish, to widen the chances of matching more runners.
• Automatic GREENING if only one horse gets matched
• Gap to following horse/s
• Estimation of race duration & monitoring of it.
• Post-Mortem Info that could aid in future settings
• Logic to ensure no delayed or spurious orders, Details on Formula sheet

More information is on the INFO sheet in the Spreadsheet, along with a link to an explanatory video

Thanks to Gavin, again for helping with an issue, with order timing, that we discussed in the Excel help forum area. I put a zipped package of frame by frame execution from a video, that should help explain, it better than words for you techies out there. The issue involves coding based on displayed values of Un-Matched and Matched bets.

May the Odds be with You
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problems with "laying the field with limmitation" / Lay2plus

Postby neillundy » Thu Oct 08, 2015 1:59 pm

hi guys,

Im a new user. Ive been having run problems with the following spreadsheet, topic678.html

When i attach the the excel sheet before a horse race it loads ok. But as soon as the race starts I get the following run time error:

Could you please help me correct this run error.


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Re: Lay The Field with Limitation

Postby Gavin » Thu Oct 08, 2015 3:48 pm

Hi Neil,

Type mismatch means that the values being compared have a different type. So the value in that cell must not be numeric, so it causes a mismatch when comparing to see if it is > 0.

Either change that line of code or change the values that can appear in that cell that is being referred to.

Kind regards,

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Re: Lay The Field with Limitation

Postby canuk » Thu Oct 15, 2015 2:30 pm

Hi Neil:

I was away with my family celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving, so was unavailable to offer help.

I have tried to emulate your example, with a fresh copy of the spreadsheet, and cannot reproduce the errors.

I think the root cause of ALL the errors on the sample you uploaded are due to cell BJ2 not loading the value from the LOOKUP sheet. In the original this cell and the cell on the lookup sheet are formatted as "General". I suspect this cell error is the cause of the errors in other cells that rely on the race duration estimate, provided by this value.

Please post your findings if you have further issues

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Re: Lay The Field with Limitation

Postby Playbyte » Mon May 23, 2016 9:15 am

Hi Gavin

I am still getting security warnings for despite whichever browser I use to download it.

I am using Windows 10, with Macafe anti virus protection but I am still unable to open the file after it has been downloaded, all I get is a lot of chinese characters on the screen.

Would it be possible to give written instructions here, complete with text to be entered, with the additions for adding the limitations option into the LayTheField3 spreadsheet, which is working perfectly by the way.

Your help for a newbie will be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Lay The Field with Limitation

Postby Gavin » Tue May 24, 2016 9:55 pm

Hi Playbyte,

I did not provide the version of the spreadsheet mentioned in this topic, apparently it is based on a file that I originally provided and has certain amendments added.

Perhaps just completely deactivate your anti-virus software before downloading the file?

Kind regards,

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Re: Lay The Field with Limitation

Postby Playbyte » Wed May 25, 2016 9:44 am

Gavin wrote:Hi Playbyte,

I did not provide the version of the spreadsheet mentioned in this topic, apparently it is based on a file that I originally provided and has certain amendments added.

Perhaps just completely deactivate your anti-virus software before downloading the file?

Kind regards,


Thanks Gavin.

Nothing seems to work so I guess it is a corrupted file and the autor should look at it again.

Anyone else have any ideas?

Kind regards
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