Grid Layout: ensuring horse name is visible

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Grid Layout: ensuring horse name is visible

Postby Gavin » Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:21 am

A couple of users have recently asked me why they can't see the horse names!

Grid Width

The horse name will be out of view if the window has not been made wide enough. As you resize the window it has to squash some info out of sight.
UPDATE (2013-08-11): this has now been improved. Horse names should stay visible now, even if you make the window a bit too narrow.

Collapsing the event tree

There is a useful vertical bar that you can click to hide the whole panel containing the tree of markets. That will give you more trading space, when you need it, and help to keep the horse names n view. To hide/unhide it you click the grey bar between the market and the tree panel. It has a little ‘<’ sign on it.

I am continuing to consider more ways for users to customize the layout to suit their own needs and help them to cram everything into view, even on a small single screen.

Kind regards,

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