Newbie questions

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Newbie questions

Postby neilg » Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:23 pm

Hey, newbie here, been doing a little Robot ladder trading.

Ive noticed on a couple of occasions that the system has placed its next trade before settling the first. E.G using £100 stakes, it matches the back side but then end up with the unmatched bets showing at £200 on the lay side and £100 on the back side. Is this normal? Its making me nervous to leave unmanned

The other really basic question is does the computer have to stay on for the robot to work?

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Re: Newbie questions

Postby Gavin » Tue Dec 27, 2022 4:01 pm

Hi neilg,

neilg wrote:Hey, newbie here, been doing a little Robot ladder trading.

Ive noticed on a couple of occasions that the system has placed its next trade before settling the first. E.G using £100 stakes, it matches the back side but then end up with the unmatched bets showing at £200 on the lay side and £100 on the back side. Is this normal? Its making me nervous to leave unmanned

Yes that is normal, if you are using the scratch or stop-loss options within the robot. If either of those get triggered, it will move the remaining unmatched bet to try to get it filled as per your desired settings. It will simultaneously be able to start the next pair of bets, even though your remaining bet might have not yet been matched at the scratch or stop-loss price.

neilg wrote:The other really basic question is does the computer have to stay on for the robot to work?

Yes it does.

Kind regards,

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Re: Newbie questions

Postby neilg » Tue Dec 27, 2022 5:05 pm

Thanks Gavin,

Is there a way to stop the robot by timer? Or could I just set my computer to sleep at a certain time?
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Re: Newbie questions

Postby Gavin » Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:44 pm

Hi Neil,

neilg wrote:Is there a way to stop the robot by timer? Or could I just set my computer to sleep at a certain time?

Sorry, there is nothing in the settings of the robot to stop it at a specific time.

I would advise strongly against just setting your computer to sleep at a certain time, because the robot then won't be able to close any bets that it might have been open at the time.

I think that if you search in google for auto clicker software with timer then you will find auto-clicker software that comes with the ability to make a click at a specific time on a specific place on the screen. That should do what you need.

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Re: Newbie questions

Postby pkram » Wed Mar 06, 2024 4:11 pm


Let me know if your software can handle automatically a situation like this:
Football: if underdog gets 1st goal in the first 15min, than automatically bet over2.5?
Basketball: Starting odds like 2-2. Bet the first team who take odds 3.3+ in Q1 or Q2, then set auto lay when got 50% profit.

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Re: Newbie questions

Postby Gavin » Mon Apr 01, 2024 7:04 pm

pkram wrote:Hello,

Let me know if your software can handle automatically a situation like this:
Football: if underdog gets 1st goal in the first 15min, than automatically bet over2.5?
Basketball: Starting odds like 2-2. Bet the first team who take odds 3.3+ in Q1 or Q2, then set auto lay when got 50% profit.


Hi pkram,

Yes, this is all possible if you use the Excel intergration feature of Cymatic. You can certainly program it in Excel's Visual Basic Editor, or perhaps can even do it just using formulae in Excel cells.

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