TPD/GPS data

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TPD/GPS data

Postby pnr8uk » Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:14 am

Hi Gavin

Will you be incorporating the GPS TPD data ARC racecourses are now making available. I see a couple of the providers have started to incorporate this data into the software.

I don't really do much in-running horses but it could be an awesome addition for those who do.


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Re: TPD/GPS data

Postby Gavin » Fri Nov 12, 2021 10:22 pm

Hi Paul,

That's interesting to hear. After seeing your message about TPD, I went away and read a blog post by another software provider stating that they spent months integrating TPD data into their software. That is a likely to be the problem for me, because I currently have a huge workload in my various businesses.

If I had more time, I'd have to consider whether I could justify spending months implementing that sort of feature. I'm really grateful to the folks who are always rooting for me to add new features. However, I haven't yet understood what would happen if Cymatic's pricing went up to £25-30 per month in an effort to justify more investment in major new features. As you know, it has been briefly discussed on the forum, but I felt uncertain of the outcome. There was some lovely encouraging feedback, but also a few mixed comments.


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Re: TPD/GPS data

Postby pnr8uk » Mon Nov 15, 2021 6:58 pm

I agree the other software provider did make a big thing out of it and there is a charge to the end user for the key too. I only found this out after posting about a new feature.

I have used Cymatic for a long time now and will continue to use it as my main trading tool, I recently re-invested in Fairbot (for automation) as I'm pretty awful with Excel.
As you know I would happily pay for a premium version.

I would love to Cymatic develop further but I imagine in a very overcrowded and very niche market I can see why it's a bit of a 'gamble'

Take care Gavin

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