Data Capture, in-play/pre off/with or without timer

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Data Capture, in-play/pre off/with or without timer

Postby nig299 » Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:32 pm

I tried to create a data capture sheet in the usual way (laid out in the same format as the Cymatic sheet). that captured all 7 prices and all 7 volumes per runner, that made 15 columns of data per runner. It captured data whenever the LTP price changed. Worked very well, but quickly ran out of available columns (yes all 16,000) within 6 minutes.

So I went down the other route and got it to record and store the data in rows. I've also added the options to record the data by various means, and you can customise it to include what runner data you want. Please read the instructions to get a better idea.

I've also got a new programme that protects the code, I'm trying that out as well. Hopefully everything still works ok.

Anyway please let me know either way.


Update on 7/9/2020: the attachments have been temporarily removed, but will be added again after further changes.
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Re: Data Capture, in-play/pre off/with or without timer

Postby Gavin » Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:38 pm

Hi Nigel,

Sorry for the delay in responding, I was moving home and got rather distracted recently and so I missed your message. I have made the changes that you requested.

Kind regards,

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