Horse racing results for the past year ?

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Horse racing results for the past year ?

Postby rich » Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:52 pm

Does anyone know how to get all the horse racing results for the past year into an excel format ? or does have anybody have it already :) ? I'm wanting to find out how often the fav wins and what's the avg time it takes for another one to come in is it like 1 in every 6 races a fav wins or less ..
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Re: Horse racing results for the past year ?

Postby Gavin » Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:01 pm

Hi Rich,

I anticipate that searching in Google you will probably find some statistics websites/services that offers all that data as a download in a CSV file that you can open into Excel.

I also know that Betfair themselves offer historical data, but I have never downloaded any from them so I don't know if it will be in the format that you need.

Kind regards,

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