Another Lay The Field sheet

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Another Lay The Field sheet

Postby adenlark » Sat Jan 27, 2018 5:09 pm

Hello people

Cleaning out an old backup drive I found this workbook from a couple of years back. It's similar to the LTF Scalp sheet I posted, but with an extra 'bot'. Rather than bin it, I figured I'd share it here. I'm providing it 'as is, where is', untested, and with no support on how to use it or what settings to use.
There are four modules:
LTF A and LTF B are essentially the same as Gavin's original LayTheField workbook available in this thread. They allow the user to set different trigger parameters and odds for each module, and quickly switch between the two.
LTF C is similar to above, but it tries to enter a second bet at higher odds. For example, let's say you LTF at 1.75. The favourite matches at 1.75, but the second favourite only reaches 1.9 before drifting and losing. With an offset LTF, you could set the 2nd fave and other horses to match at say 1.95, hopefully increasing the chances of long term profit. This idea needs lots of testing and tweaking!
Scalp will enter a lAY bet at your chosen odds, then submit a BACK bet with green stake x ticks higher. Completely untested.

As always, please test in practice mode or use small stakes.
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Re: Another Lay The Field sheet

Postby Gavin » Sun Jan 28, 2018 12:03 am

Hi Adenlark,

Thanks for posting and sharing. It certainly sounds like an interesting variation.


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Re: Another Lay The Field sheet

Postby adenlark » Sun Jan 28, 2018 9:50 am

No worries Gavin

I should mention, I tested LTF C on 3 three races yesterday to make sure it worked vaguely as intended. The bot will fire at the Odds A value until at least 1 bet is matched, then it should switch to Odds B. Cell BX9 monitors the matched bet count in column AW. If the formula is changed to read the Status column (looking for "PLACED" or a non-blank cell), the bot would switch to Odds B as soon as the first bet is placed. Not sure if that will help anyone, or if anyone will even use the sheet - I think this kind of strategy needs someone with the time and patience to work out the best trigger values, best race types and so on.

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