lay at odds 1000

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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby faris » Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:34 am

Hi Gavin,
Thanks for your reply , looking forward for the new version,
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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby Gavin » Fri Jan 26, 2018 8:06 pm

Hi Faris,

Good news! The new version has now been released. You can read all about the new 'Keyboard Betting' feature here: Keyboard betting and shortcuts

That is a link to the page in the user manual. On that page, scroll down to the section about moving the 'cell pointer', you'll find an explanation of how to rapidly place a bet to lay at 1000, by press the CTRL+HOME keys, followed by the SPACE bar to submit the bet. Please test this out exhaustively in demo mode to gain familiarity with the new features before risking real money.

You might find it better to just do PageUp two or three times in the Lay column, then place a bet at more modestly high odds (not as high as 1000), so that less money is put at risk. It depends whether the price goes straight to 1000 or not.

The software will automatically update itself to the new version next time you open it.

I hope you enjoy it. I'll be interested to hear how you get on.

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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby faris » Sun Jan 28, 2018 2:21 am

Hi Gavin,
Thanks for releasing the new version, so before the race start I set all the lay column to 1000 by clicking Ctrl +Home, but the bet dose not been placed by pressing the SPACE bar.
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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby Gavin » Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:49 am

Hi Faris,

That is correct, the bet will only be placed when you press the space bar. The ladder needs to have focus when you press the space bar, in other words you cant be focussing on another window or program with the mouse.

When you move the mouse over the ladder, it automatically gets focus. There is no need to click.

Yes, you can move them all to 1000 before the race starts if you want to save more time, or wait until the moment when the horse falls over if you want to see the prevailing prices.

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Re: lay at odds 1000

Postby Gavin » Mon Mar 12, 2018 2:40 pm

Gavin wrote:When you move the mouse over the ladder, it automatically gets focus. There is no need to click.

The above mentioned feature is now a user configurable setting, switched off by default. To turn this on again, please go to the menu in the main Cymatic window: File | Settings | Layouts tab, then choose the option near the bottom of the page 'Automatically select ladder windows by pointing the mouse with clicking', then choose to Save As Default.

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