commands and triggers

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commands and triggers

Postby scottygop » Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:10 pm

Hey all, looking to purchase the software due to a recommendation, studied the user guides and video's however I am unable to locate the answer to ''IS this possible?'' if so ''What Commands?''

I am looking for a bit of advice in regards to commands and triggers.

My intentions are for example to create the following trigger to run automatically on each UK Win Horse race. I understand I will need to use the excel sheet and create the trigger in the command column;

LAY any horse between 'X'odds & 'Y'odds 'Z'' time prior to off.
IF LAY is matched then activate BACK trigger at 2.0. When Back trigger is hit, place BACK bet at 1.5 (or best odds) in running for 'X'% of LAY Liability.
Once Back bet is matched green all to spread loss.

Is this possible?

Very-simply; all I am trying to do is Lay a horse that I feel isn't going to win based on odds, Back if the odds drop in play to lower the loss potential and split the amount to reduce further?

I know that you can do the 'reverse' of this theory by back to lay using commands such as 'lay Offset1 Green' - what the commands be for the suggestion if possible?

I great-fully appreciate any advice received, I am intending to sign up and use the software to experiment pending the answers to this enquiry.

Best regards
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:44 pm

Re: commands and triggers

Postby Gavin » Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:03 pm

Hi Scottygop,

I have replied to your duplicate post in the Find A Developer section.

Kind regards,

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