This dutching bot was “made” for me from an outside source so there may be copyright issues involved. It was designed to work with Gruss Betting Assistant but no doubt will work with Cymatic.
On the selections sheet you enter the horses you wish to dutch (I usually copy and paste them from Sporting Life ABC Guide). It is of paramount importance that the names coincide with how they appear on Betfair, no apostrophes, commas etc or the “bot” will not recognise them. It is also very important the times of the race must be in 24 hour clock mode and appear like this (with colon between numbers) 15:15 (for 3.15 race) and the names of the courses/tracks appear in abbreviated format as on Betfair...........i.e. Lingfield becomes Ling.
On the controls sheet you have the options displayed for you (up to the user what he/she wants to do)
One other issue.................on Gruss you need the “Com Server” to be enabled. Not sure how this will work with Cymatic.
The bot is very stable and will happily bet throughout the day on your selected races/horses. Of course there is one problem....................picking the right horses. I usually use the free Timeform selections from Betfair.
I don’t think the programme is protected so if any member wished to play with the coding and make some improvements, carry on.
Have fun and hopefully make some money. I actually have, which is a first