Linux with wine

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Linux with wine

Postby Tieso » Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:36 pm

I try to install the software with wine doing "wine setup.exe" on console but just open an internet explorer with link

and stay there forever.

Do you know how to do it please ?

Thanks a lot
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Re: Linux with wine

Postby Gavin » Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:56 pm

Sorry but I have never used Wine.

For reference, Wine and Winetricks can be found here:

The Cymatic installer file (setup.exe) is used to check that the pre-requisites are installed (.NET 4 Framework and Windows Installer 3), if they are not it installs them. Afterwards it accesses the file mentioned in the link you gave, which is the actual manifest to install the Cymatic program. That is what happens on a Windows PC, so I guess the same should apply using the Wine command line, but I am not sure.

Users who have a problem installing on Windows, and who are sure that they have the pre-requisites installed, are able to run the manifest file directly (the link you mentioned) thus skipping the pre-requisite checks performed by setup.exe.

Is the Wine command downloading the manifest file somewhere to your computer giving the appearance of nothing happening, because you must then find the file and run it?

Some users told me that they successfully installed Cymatic on Linux machines, and if my memory serves I think some of them said that they succeeded with Wine.

Good luck and kind regards,

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Re: Linux with wine

Postby Tieso » Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:05 pm

Hi Gavin

Finally I can install the software installing the .Net Framework 4.0 and Windows installer too with "winetricks" very easily.

But I have a problem. With any event (greyhounds, horse racing, soccer...) I only see the odds of first runner, the rest odds is void, without any number or matching money.

Have you any idea about why ?

Thanks a lot, nice software. If you let me a sugestion, would be good that the software shows the total matching money of the event too.

Best regards
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Re: Linux with wine

Postby Gavin » Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:40 pm

Hi Tiesco,

I'm glad to hear that you successfully installed using Wine.

Would it be possible to email me a screenshot of the problem that you described? (

Kind regards,

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Re: Linux with wine

Postby simon169 » Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:44 pm


This is for tieso.

How did you get the windows installer installed under wine I tried several commands with winetricks but none worked. I can't get the software to install it gets stuck at the .application install part any chance you can give me a quick guide.


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Re: Linux with wine

Postby Gavin » Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:42 pm

If someone could post the commands they used with WineTricks then it would be really helpful. There is another user who has emailed me to ask the same question. Thanks.

The Cymatic application has two pre-requisites: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 and Windows Installer (minimum version 3.1). So you will need those installed before running the installation of Cymatic under Wine.

Of course, for regular Windows users, cymatic installs all the pre-requisites automatically, so they can simply run the setup.exe file.

Kind regards,

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Re: Linux with wine

Postby Tieso » Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:59 am

Hi, sorry for the delay ;)

I think that "windows installer" is not necessary, but yes ".NET Framework 4.0" .

For install .NET with winetricks run:

$ winetricks dotnet40 corefonts (here explanations)

After that, you can run "wine setup.exe" and cymatics will install. But I don't know where saves the files of instalation, can not find it. Just "wine setup.exe" will run the program.

And the problem I had is resolved, now i can see well the number in price cell ;)
Nice program. Only it need to see the total money matched in the events.

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Re: Linux with wine

Postby Gavin » Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:26 pm

Hi Tiesco,

Great! Thanks for those extra details that I am sure will be very helpful to other people wishing to install the Cymatic software with Wine.

I'll look into ways to display the traded volume in the list of markets. Nice idea.

Best wishes,
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Re: Linux with wine

Postby spes123 » Tue May 13, 2014 2:08 pm


Thank you for this very helpful thread I have just moved from WIN XP to Linux and the information here has been a great help.

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Re: Linux with wine

Postby scorscribler » Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:15 am

Hi guys,

I am trying to get Cymatic installed on linux at the moment. I have tried "winetricks dotnet40 corefonts" but am told the following:

You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Executing w_do_call dotnet40
Executing load_dotnet40
This package does not work on a 64-bit installation

When I download the package from the link ... &iId=17886 and run it through wine, it tells me this:

Same or higher version of .NET Framework 4 has already been installed on this computer.

When I then run "wine setup.exe" I am also getting the window pop up, with nothing happening! So, I opened the link in FF and downloaded CyTraderBF.application. But I cannot get the application to run! Does this app need to be run through winetricks? If so, how do I do that? New to wine & tricks! Thanks in advance!
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